Princess Kimmie's Musings

The Princess rants and raves her way through life.


Can I Hop In A Time Machine Please?

If I could hop in a time machine right now I would take it to 2 different times in my life: 1989 and Sept. 2001. The 80's were good to me for the most part. I'd want to retain the knowledge I have now when I went back. I think I'd want to slip myself a note that said:"Yo! Dump the jerk T.G. and go for it with B.H.S.! Really tell him how you feel and stop holding it inside all of the time. Oh! and contact D.S. and ask him to hang out with you sometime. Really get to know him. And Tell Windi what a good friend she is to you. You rfriends won't be around forever, ya know. carpe diem!!"

The next time I'd take the time machine to is Sept. 8-9, 2001. I'd slip another not to myself that said:" Kim, think about the choice you're about to make. Choose the actor that's hot for you! DUH!! There might not be a second chance with him so make the most of it! He can help you in soooo many ways if you just get over your fear and go for it! Take a chance-jump in with both feet before it's too late!"

Songs Stuck In My Head

12:30 p.m. today-Songs Stuck in my head right now are Seasons Change by Expose, I Can't Wait by NuShooz, When I'm With You by Sheriff, Take On Me by aha, I Get Weak by Belinda Carlisle, Shattered Dreams by Johnny Hates Jazz. Guess it's a good thing I have Cds with all of these songs on them.