Princess Kimmie's Musings

The Princess rants and raves her way through life.


Update on my ankle: it's getting better. I have now started physical therapy on it 3 times a week. The pain has lessoned so that's a good thing. Stay tuned to this blogspot for more updates!

New word for the day: SLUTWHORE courtesy of Glenn Beck

Asked by an amusement park guest: " Did they sell the ducks and geese too?"
While in my full uniform with my namebadge on : "Do you work here?"
" Does the bridge go all the way to the other side?"
" Is there anything to do in the park?"
" If I get an all day locker will my things be safe all day?"
" Does this ride go upside down?" asked when on a wodden roller coaster and while on the children's ride.
" Is this a ride?" when pointing to the climbing nets.
" Can we swim in the lake?" the lake that the ducks and geese use for their bathroom.....
" Where is the fun?"
" How much money do you make? " Not nearly enough!
" How long is this ride?"
" How do I get to the other side of the park?"
" What time is the (insert one of our 4 shows here)?"
" Is there anything else to do?"

I'm driving down highway 40 in my big ol' pickup truck......

Does how people drive really tick you off? Sometimes (okay, EVERYDAY) I get unnerved by other drivers. I'm a really good driver (and I just took a quiz to prove it! :p ) but I get upset when people cut me off on the highway or go in front of me and slow down. Or when I see other drivers talking on their cell phones and weaving in and out of traffic. I wish we all inter-car communications and could tell these idiots to sahpe up or get off the road.


Here's another rant from the Princess:

I'm tired of having to sleep in the backseat of my car all because my husband works the night shift. He doesn't usually work a full 8 hours so he can get off at any time during the night. That's one of the reasons why I have to sleep in the car. The other reason is because gas prices are so high. We have to fill up everyday since he's had to work 3rd shift. That's a minimum of $20 a fill up, although it's usually more.
I work the day shift, usually around 10-12 hours or more since I'm in leadership. I don't mind the hours at all. In fact, I wish there were more hours to work! With Memorial Day weekend coming up, I will be working a minimum of 14 hour days. Not too bad.
So this whole never getting to sleep in a bed thing is starting to wear on me. I hope and pray that he gets moved back into working rides again during the day soon! I'll go crazy if it doesn't happen soon.


Go. Fight. Win! Go fight win!!! Sorry my inner cheerleader came out for a moment. Sometimes that happens. Sometimes you just gotta cheer!!

Random Quote of the day: Things could be worse-a whole lot worse.


When I went to call my 2 little girls for my weekly phone visitation, THEY WERE'NT HOME!!!! ARRGG!!!! I only get to talk to them once a week and this is my ONLY means of communicating with them at all. My exhusband has said that I can never see them again so talking on the phone to them is all I have right now. I SO wish I had a lawyer..........


SO I sprained my left foot, ankle and knee while working. Great fun, huh? That was 9 days ago. Since that time I've lost the crutches and am walking mostly on my own now. I went to the doctor today and he put an ace bandage on my left knee and said it was sprained still too. ;( It hurts. He also said no climbing up long flights of stairs or ladders, keep your foot elevated when sitting to keep the swelling down, put ice on it, etc. So apparently I'm not out of the woods yet. OH and there's this piece of metal in my left foot, too...... Wonder how that got there?!? Email me your theories.


I'm Faye Valentine! Which Cowboy Bebop character are you?

Which Cowboy Bebop character are you?